What we do

Environmental Law Research and Advocacy

Legal and policy advocacy to promote environmental laws, and adoption of best practice models for environmental adjudication and rules of procedure.

Business, Human Rights and Environment

Mainstreaming Business, Human Rights, and the Environment for lawyers and financial institutions to promote due diligence and inclusive and sustainable development

ASEAN Environmental Network

Focus on crime prevention, prosecution and innovative approaches to environmental and restorative justice.

Training and Capacity Building

Conduct of workshops, conferences, webinars on key environmental law issues.

ASEAN Regional Law

Advocacy for human rights and the protection of environmental defenders in the region while supporting the rights of nature and the protection of animals from harm and exploitation.

Since 2012, Global Witness has been gathering data on killings of land and environmental defenders

Defenders killed in 2012 - 2020
killings are from Asia
killings in 2022 alone